Cherokee’s First Weekend

Cherokee’s adjusting well, and Titan’s adjusting well too. She’s now been here for about 30 hours, and we’re all getting along fine. Titan & Cherokee have slept close, played some, and even had some spats. The first night was a bit stressful because Cherokee was unsure about it all, so that combined with plenty of adventures into the foot of fresh snow with the crazy pup Titan has helped to tire her out.

Sleepy time.

Titan’s good. He’s been a good boy, a good gentlemen, and a gracious host. Then he turns into crazy pup and demands her to play with him. That’s how he got his ear bitten. It’s all good though. There’s a good dynamic there, but they just have to work through it. Titan’s a good, GOOD boy and he’ll figure it all out. Cherokee will learn that she’ll get more lovins here than she would ever have imagined possible, and everyone will be fine.

Meanwhile, naps are good.

Sleep, lady. There's a crazy pup waiting to romp...

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