Savage Chicken’s Dog Parks

I thought I’d try to beat Jen and post this cartoon.

Where Tennis Balls Go To Die...

2 Responses to “Savage Chicken’s Dog Parks”

  1. Jen says:

    Dog parks: where tennis balls go to die.

  2. The Mad Zonie says:

    More excrement? Eewwww! Don’t people pick up after their dogs? Or are they like some of the assholes in my neighborhood who don’t want their dogs to shit in their yard, so they walk them and let them shit in everyone else’s yards? I wish I had a camera set up so that I could catch some of the culprits around here. Hell, if my 78-year-old grandma is capable of carrying a little shovel and a bag to pick up after her dog, why can’t these other people do the same?